Easter Eggs Match
Easter Eggs are so fun! Bright colors and so many creative ways to use them! In this activity, the child works on bilateral hand use and grading his force when putting the eggs together, and on visual perception as he tries to match the 2 colors as shown on the cards.
Cut the construction paper or regular piece of white paper into 6 or more rectangles/cards.
On each card, draw an oval (egg shape) with a line in the middle, to represent the top part of the egg and the bottom part.
Using crayons and marker that match the color of the Easter eggs you are using, color the eggs on the cards, using one color at the top part and a different color at the bottom part.
Present the cards and the “cracked” easter eggs to the child and instruct the child to put the eggs together by matching the colors as shown on the cards.
If using an egg carton, you can ask the child to arrange the matched eggs in the same order the cards are laid on the table.