The Battle of the Bottles
This activity provides heavy work through lifting and carrying. The child receives proprioceptive input which may help in strengthening the upper body and improve body awareness.
This activity should be done outdoors and is designed for more than one child.
For each child, fill 3 bottles one-half or two-thirds full with water. Add a couple of tablespoons of oil, a couple of drops of paint, and a handful of sequences. Mark a “START” point and place all the bottles at this point.
Mark an “END” line on the opposite side (you can use a rope, a blanket, or some chairs).
Ask the children to line up at the starting point and pick up a bottle.
On your mark, ask the children to walk as fast as they can, without dropping their bottle, to the endpoint.
Once they get to the end point, have them put their bottle down and walk back to get another bottle.
The first child that transfers all his/her bottles from the starting point to the end point, wins!