Basket Sock for Eye-Hand Coordination
This activity works on promoting eye-hand coordination necessary for activities such as catching a ball or copying from the blackboard. In addition, the child is working on stability and shoulder strengthening through the activation of the arm.
This game is all too familiar for many of us: Laundry Basketball.
Challenge your child’s core muscles by having them stand in a tall kneeling positioning.
Place about 10 laundry items on the ground, to the child’s left and right. Have them side bend to retrieve the laundry items from the ground.
Position the basket in front of the child and have them shoot the laundry items into the laundry basket.
Increase the challenge by:
- Moving the laundry basket further away from the child.
- Scattering the laundry items further around the child.
- Holding the laundry basket while moving around the room.
- Tilting the laundry basket away from them, then toward them.
- Having the child kneel on a more unstable surface (such as a pillow or dyna disc).
- Having the child kneel on one leg.
- Having the child shoot smaller laundry items/laundry items that weigh less.
- Placing a timer.
- Setting a goal for how many baskets to make.