Pizza Party
This activity promotes fine motor skills and addresses tactile defensiveness.
Skills: Bilateral Hand Use(?) The use of both hands simultaneously, in a controlled manner, to perform an activity (i.e. clapping hands, using your one hand to hold a pencil while the other is used to stabilize the paper)., Fine Motor Control, Finger Strength, Tactile Perception(?) Tactile Perception (sometimes referred to as touch perception) is the brain's ability to understand (perceive) what the hands are feeling.
Retrieve the following items:
- Homemade playdough
- Red paint
- Spoon
- Topping (i.e. leaves, buttons, pompoms, etc.)
Have the child:
- Roll the playdough into a ball (encourage the child to use both hands when rolling the dough to work on bilateral coordination).
- Flat the ball to create the base of the pizza.
- Smear the red paint (i.e. “pizza sauce”) with a spoon or with their finger.
- Tear up tiny dough pieces to create the cheese.
- Sprinkle the cheese and toppings on the pizza.
- Garnish with leaves.
Enjoy playing with this pretend pizza!
Tip: After you are finished playing with the pretend pizza, fold it in half and use the fork to press down the edges to make a pretend empanada!