Guess the Toy
This activity promotes stereognosis (identifying an object through touch instead of vision), visual perception, and tactile input. This activity bridges the connection in our brains between what we see and what we physically feel. We use these skills for tasks, such as efficiently locating items in our backpacks without looking.
Step 1: Take an empty cardboard box & glue construction paper around it. This simplifies the exterior to eliminate distractions.
Step 2: Use any toy or item in the house, so long as it is safe, to put in the box. Make sure the toy or item has an identical partner (i.e. use 2 identical markers, 2 identical stuffed animals, etc.).
Step 3: Place each toy or item inside the box (3-6 toys/items at a time), and keep the toy’s/item’s identical partners right next to you, so the child does not see them.
Step 4: Lay the box on a horizontal surface.
Step 5: Take any of the toys/items right next to you, and place 1 of them on top of the box.
Step 6: Ask, “Which one of these (the toys/items inside the box) feels like what this (the toy/item on top of the box) looks like?”
Step 7: Have the child reach into the box to feel all items, making sure they do not see.
Step 8: Have them place their answer on top of the box in order to see if they got it right.
Step 9: Repeat until they have correctly identified all items.