Searched Activities

Guess the Toy

This activity promotes stereognosis (identifying an object through touch instead of vision), visual perception, and tactile input. This activity bridges the connection in our brains between what we see and what we physically feel. We use these skills for tasks, such as efficiently locating items in our backpacks without looking.

Fingerprint Turkey

This activity provides tactile input and works on finger isolation by creating a picture of a turkey using the child’s fingerprints.

Fine Motor Marble Maze

A great way to work on fine motor skills (specifically finger isolation), visual-motor coordination, visual tracking, and bilateral coordination of the hands by creating a simple marble maze.

TP Roll Snake

This activity works on multiple skills. The child will work on motor planning through a craft activity that has multiple steps. Painting with a brush or Q-tips will help develop grasp patterns, as well as work on visual motor skills. If using a tissue paper, the child can practice cutting skills by cutting small pieces and work on finger strengthening as he/she crumbles the pieces into little balls.

Cut Me a Slice

This activity promotes the child’s cutting skills, visual motor skills and bilateral use of hands. You can have the child cut different shapes (straight lines, curved lines, circles, or squares) based on the child’s developmental stage and abilities.

Wind Sock

Create a Wind Sock using craft sticks, markers, toilet paper roll, glue, tape, string, and tissue paper. Promote fine motor control, cutting, bilateral hand use, and visual motor skills.

Winter Snowflakes

This activity provides the child with the opportunity to draw different shapes and practice his cutting skills.

Hearts and Oval Butterfly

This is a fun activity for the spring, or any time of the year. The child is working on strengthening his fine motor integration skills by drawing shapes and on his cutting skills. Coloring the butterfly, decorating it, and twisting the pipe cleaners, is good for working on fine motor control and manual dexterity skills.

Multi Step Shamrock

This is a fun visual motor craft for St. Patrick’s day. The activity has multiple steps, which works on the child’s motor planning skills, in addition to promoting fine motor and visual motor skills as the child traces, cuts, and glues the different materials. For this activity, it is recommended to use green, yellow, or gold objects (i.e pipe cleaners, tissue paper, green pasta, etc.)

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