September 28, 2018
This activity provides tactile and visual input. In addition, it reinforces letter or sight word recognition.
September 28, 2018
This activity provides the child with the opportunity to draw different shapes and practice his cutting skills.
September 28, 2018
This is a fun activity for the spring, or any time of the year. The child is working on strengthening his fine motor integration skills by drawing shapes and on his cutting skills. Coloring the butterfly, decorating it, and twisting the pipe cleaners, is good for working on fine motor control and manual dexterity skills.
September 28, 2018
This activity promotes cutting skills and motor planning through the task. Give the child the instructions verbally and support with visuals if needed. Observe if the child is able to motor plan through the three steps (cut, glue, color/decorate) without assistance.
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