Searched Activities

Guess the Toy

This activity promotes stereognosis (identifying an object through touch instead of vision), visual perception, and tactile input. This activity bridges the connection in our brains between what we see and what we physically feel. We use these skills for tasks, such as efficiently locating items in our backpacks without looking.

Basket Sock for Eye-Hand Coordination

This activity works on promoting eye-hand coordination necessary for activities such as catching a ball or copying from the blackboard. In addition, the child is working on stability and shoulder strengthening through the activation of the arm.

Balance on the Web

In this activity, the child will promote motor planning skills, as he plans his route on the spider web. In addition, he will strengthen his balance skills and his core, while walking on the web lines and squatting down to pick up objects

Toss it Catch it

The activity is designed for children as young as 2 years old and works on eye-hand coordination and the development of large motor skills. In addition, this activity requires team work and direct interaction between the child and the therapist/caregiver.

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